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You can start using DYNAPSO as soon as you’ve confirmed your account.



All keywords at a glance

No other tool on the market offers such a comfortable and easy interface to monitor your keywords. We put a lot of effort into keeping it as easy to use as possible.


Tailormade Packages

Our different packages offer perfect solutions for almost everybody. If your keywordset grows, you can easily upgrade with two clicks. Should you need something tailormade, just get in touch.


Awesome Reporting

With DYNAPSO you can export data to lots of different types. Wether you prefer Excel, CSF, PDF or even a PNG image.


Universal Search

Dynapso is always one step ahead. We already monitor images, news, maps, answer boxes, videos, and much more within the SERPPs. This is what we call smart SEO monitoring!


Even more data

With the Dynapso Toolbox you can easily integrate Google Search Console data and thus even further enhance your overview with data directly fetched from Google.

Keyword Movement Index

We visualize keyword movements with our unique RMI (Ranking Movement Index). With this simple index you can see wins and losses for each of your projects in one overview.

Dynapso is addictive! I don’t know of any other tool with such a clean interface and so much information in one view. I use it on a daily base, some times even more. I strongly recommend it to all other online marketers.

Andreas Wander


Ranking monitoring with Dynapso is an important factor of our online marketing. Dynapso is a handy tool to visualize data. The abilitiy to add customer accounts is great.

Michael Herrling


DYNAPSO convinced us not only because of the great functionality and the easy to use interface, but especially because of the perfect data accuracy. Great performance at a small price. That’s how it’s supposed to be!

Thorsten Piening